NDOT Sidewalk and Bikeway Program Management
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The Sidewalk and Bikeway Program Management involves managing and maintaining 1,634 total miles of Nashville’s sidewalk and bikeway network for Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT). The program includes managing the planning, design and construction delivery of new sidewalk and bikeway facilities throughout Nashville. As part of the project planning, LDA developed the 2022 WalknBike Plan Update, which includes an actionable three-year work plan for sidewalks and bikeways. As the Metro Nashville Sidewalk and Bikeways program manager, LDA leads public outreach and stakeholder engagement, GIS mapping and data analysis, conceptual planning and prioritization, creation of an actionable implementation plan, right-of-way and utility coordination, alternative delivery, and design and construction management of network improvements.
This program included managing a $125 million budget at project commencement. Through Mayor John Cooper’s initiative of developing sidewalks 50% faster and 20% less expensive, LDA Engineering was able to help make Nashville a Stronger, Happier Community by implementing sidewalks 58% faster and 26% less expensive in the first year.