MWS Clean Water Nashville Program Management
The Clean Water Nashville (CWN) Program was established in 2011 to fulfill the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency/Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Consent Decree by planning, designing and constructing system improvements in a cost-effective manner to enhance the quality of water for the Nashville community. Much of the Metro Water Services (MWS) sewer system is aging and lacks the capacity to handle the current volume of sewage and stormwater. The program updates infrastructure to reduce sewer overflows, reduce health risks associated with exposure to bacteria and contaminants and improve water quality in the Cumberland River and Davidson County’s extensive network of streams, creeks and tributaries.
This program to improve the wastewater system infrastructure provides lasting benefits for future generations, improves water quality and provides a clean, healthier environment for our citizens. LDA Engineering partnered with CDM Smith and AECOM on the Program Management Consultant Team as an “extension of staff” to Metro Water Services. Projects withing the program include wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) capacity improvements, collection system rehabilitation and pump station and force main piping upgrades. This program manages the MWS system assets, including more than 86,000 manholes, 3,000 miles of gravity pipe, 116 pump stations and three wastewater treatment plants.